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Copilot(Microsoft Edge / Designer の Image Creator」)や、Adobe Firefly を使ったイラストを公開しています。好きな絵が見つかるかもしれません。お楽しみください。


Adobe Firefly 使用、AIイラスト

Copilot使用、AIイラスト(Microsoft Image Creator from Designer)


コラム「Image Creator」は、菅笠を描けるのか!?日本の文化は難しかった!?


Thank you for liking my AI Art.
Unfortunately, "Microsoft Image Creator from Designer" is not available for commercial use.

I'm an illustrator, designer, poet, writer, and also a 'structured language' XML engineer and have been a Microsoft MVP for 12 years.
This is the position in which I must respect Microsoft's policies the most. Therefore, I cannot sell the drawings using Image Creator.

However, I see the potential in digital art, and I would like to draw.
I'm trying Adobe Firefly, which is compatible with commercial use, and I would use of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to finish it.
Please keep an eye on my arts. Thank you.

DTM+ボカロ(Cubase + 巡音ルカ + 初音ミク)

3rd.シングル「高天原 (TAKAMAGAHARA)」制作中
4th.シングル「オパールの海 (The Opal Universe)、かなしみのない世界 (The World Lost Sorrow)」

