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The trick of time (3)




今朝はThe trick of timeシリーズ第三弾。

The trick of time (1)

The trick of time (2)


The trick of time (3)

There are so many dreams that do not come true. Have you ever thought why?

In Japan, when people face challenges, they say "three years on a stone". This means, whatever you chose to do, it's better to stay there at least for three years and observe the outcome. It not only implies one should be patient, but also discloses another trick of time.

It's the trick of time that makes dreams coming true very difficult. This is how it works: Let's go back to the concept of Choosey described in "The trick of time (2)". As soon as Choosey realizes his dream and chooses a choice accordingly, things actually start to change his future. His current choice affects his future that is directly bonded on his back. Choices do make changes instantly.

The trick of time is; changes are so small and vague, that it is very hard to see their consequent occurrences. As time goes by, Choosey would get tired of choosing presents needed to make his dream come true, then will start to choose presents that make his future somewhat different.

No wonder your dreams do not come true, if you keep on changing your future that you aim for. If you keep on choosing the right "presents", in a three year time period, actual changes would become visible. When you realize the changes, it means your dream came true. By understanding this trick of time, you will get better in actualizing your dreams. Good luck!
