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The trick of time (2)





Would it shock you if I said past and future do not exist?

Theoretically, past is what you remember and future is what you imagine, both of them are just "illusions" in your mind. The only thing that exists is the present. The present is full of choices, and what you choose changes your past and future accordingly.

This is how it works; please imagine an animal and let's call him "Choosey." Picking up a present from many choices that are in front of him, instantly changes his past and future. Both "illusions" are on his back as shown in the figure. These illusions mutate accordingly to his current choice.


Let's say an unfavorable thing happens to you. If you chose to take it as bad news, it would be fixed as bad news. However, if you chose to take it as a challenge to improve your life, it would just be an indicator of directions towards your dreams. Surprisingly, it is just a matter of perception and does mutate your past and future.

Do concentrate on the present, whatever is in front of you, make it a habit to take the outcomes as indicators of your preferences. Taking them negatively does not improve anything. Negative thoughts would just increase toxic materials in your body and brain. They would stop you from improving and consume your present that is literally a present.

