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The on-line webinar style panel discussion held last night hosted by Darden (Business School of UVa) was quite interesting. Three alumni joined as panelists: one from Delhi India, one from Sao Paulo Brazil, and me from Tokyo Japan. I graduated in 1995, whereas the other two were 2011 and 2015, plus some stereotype of Indian and Brazilian guys, I was expecting some aggressive and open-ended discussions before joining the event.


It started from sharing information about COVID-19, when we started to realize its fear, actions we took, and the status now from each region. India is putting high priority on economic recovery and will untighten the lock down. Brazil has no control over the crisis, and it is getting worse every day. Japan has almost settled down with the first wave and expecting to have the second wave in autumn. It was informative.

終わりの方では、実際に生活やリーダーシップのスタイルががどう変わったかという議論。インドの卒業生が、「今までの会社に行って2分ごとに人に会うような忙しい日々から一転、テレワークになって日々を穏やかに生きるようになり、よく考えるようになり、部署メンバーとのオンラインの打ち合わせも丁寧になった。それで動いている」というと、私は「テレワークで生産性を落とすことなく仕事が出来てしまうことが証明されてしまった、 今後テレワークが大きくマネジメントスタイルは変わっていく、柔軟性が大切」と、そしてブラジルの卒業生は、「今回のことで学んだのは、年率40%の成長率云々より、忍耐強く目の前のことに取り組み続けていくということ。忍耐と継続が大切だと学んだ」と。

At the last part, we shared how COVID-19 changed our leadership style. The Indian panelist said "We used to put high priority in rapid growth of the business, spent two minutes per person while we were in the office. Now, we have a calmer life, spending enough time to think, and when it comes to conversation, we talk more gently." I said, "Telework has proven itself that it works just fine. The management style that forced to have everyone in the office will change dramatically. The ones who flexibly adjust, can survive." The Brazilian guys said, "Patience is what we learned. It is not the 40% high growth rate that was important, but our patience to survive and continue are what really count."


The pandemic this time is a major educator to humankind, I thought. The discussions tuned out to be far more fun than I initially expected.
