オルタナティブ・ブログ > 坂本史郎の【朝メール】より >


CACHATTO Users Conference


Since the year 2000, we have been hosting the CACHATTO Users Conference in autumn every year. The size of the conference has increased from less than 100 to over 300 guests. We hold the conference both in Osaka and Tokyo; often in event halls of fancy hotels. We also arrange a social gathering after each conference so that our customers and our members can converse. The guests have a chance to win a gift by raffle; the best one this year was Nintendo Switch with Super Mario Odyssey.


The conference consists of the following: the opening address, a speech by the key speaker, a forecast of CACHATTO developments, information from the support center, and a real-time interactive survey.

The opening address is a regular speech plus a report on the status of the business. This year, the key speaker, a member of a subsidiary of Mizuho bank, gave a speech on their experience with our service. He said that they have combined VDI and CACHATTO's RDP service (Splashtop for CACHATTO), overcoming the tight security policies of the parent bank. The forecast of CACHATTO emphasized on Telework. Information from the support center covered detailed policy changes and other important information that we would like the customers to know. The real-time interactive survey helped us gather guests' answers to the questions we had prepared using a handset held by each guest. We were able to obtain not only responses to questions we were interested in knowing such as how far along they were in remote work, but also each guest's honest opinions such as their satisfaction with our service.


To hold the conference, we spend quite a bit of time preparing the presentations and to planning the setup. Also, quite a lot of members from the company attend the event. The costs add up to a high figure. However, I strongly believe in its value since this is an occasion to announce our aim for the following year, until the next conference. It also is a significant team building experience; it requires a lot of cooperation among the members, the leaders, and the groups. It is an important opportunity for bonding. The direction we proclaim is aimed toward not only our customers, but also to our internal members.

