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Simple phrases that will lead you to Success


"My work is important, interesting, and my speciality." This is the magic phrase that can make you successful at work. If you cope with things around you with this attitude, your tasks would eventually become important, interesting, and your speciality. Plus, if you have this mindset, you yourself would have an aura that attracts people. You know some people like that, don't you?

As you go along, work that will be more important, more interesting, and more of your abilities will start to come through. So, you will be successful as a result. Very simple, but true. The challenge is to keep believing and acting according to the magic phrase. The process should not be temporary, but continuous.

On the other hand, there are people who cannot accept their situation and say: "This is not where I belong. I just do this for money. This is a temporary situation. This is not who I really am." If you cannot accept your situation, and tend to think about starting over, it would drag unwanted results into your life. The same applies if you are not consistent with the magic phrase above.

Then what defines your situation?

It is your state of mind. Your situation is interpreted by how you think. Your mindset simply makes you happy or unhappy regardless of the actual environment. Let's look at an example. Last year, I went climbing in Yakushima in the rain which lasted for a whole day. To be honest, I didn't want to go out on such a day, but later, as I went into the mountains, I changed my mindset, managed to detach myself from minding the rain, and the experience became as fun as climbing on a nice day. It was a very strange experience, but it made me believe the strength of one's mindset.

If you were to choose between being happy or unhappy, you would choose being happy. Then it is just a matter of having the right mindset. In case of work, it is very simple. Just think "my work is important, interesting, and it is my speciality" and act accordingly.
