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A good way to deal with "pride"


There is an expression "pride stands in the way." Many men have problems asking for directions because of their pride, they dislike losing face. I wonder why pride exists, what are the benefits and disadvantages. I know that pride is what drives and motivates oneself to a higher state of being. However, it also brings traps of wanting to be looked up to, admired, or respected, and triggers anger when compromised.

I have observed that masters of their field would not show their pride. Their strong inward pride has been the motivation to get to higher stages, but it is invisible and kept deep inside their mind. Pride is something not to be compared with others so there is no need to show it. It is an absolute value kept in the mind.

Interestingly, pride also has its degree of evolution, from immature to mature. Here is an easy way to measure the maturity of your pride. Think about a time you got angry because your pride has been compromised. Think about the frequency of these instances. The more matured your pride is, the less angry you'd become, and you'd learn to keep it inside.

So just by checking how sensitive you are to that, you'd know how immature your pride is. In my case, it is still quite, so to say, immature. By understanding those benefits and traps of pride and having a way to measure it, you would be able to control it better. The key is, keep inward pride high, but outward pride low!
