オルタナティブ・ブログ > 坂本史郎の【朝メール】より >


Why do we need to get to Singapore?




A product that can cope with global demand and selling internationally has been one of the long lasting dreams of many Japanese software companies. Despite that, almost no one has been successful so far.

Our company also might look like another ambitious software company who dreams to be a global player. However, the reality is that staying in Japan became one of our major potential threats. We are forced to go global to survive.

According to three major Japanese market researchers, our market share in the Remote-Access-System service has been number one, and it exceeded forty percent for two consecutive years. We surely are a winner in Japan, and focusing our efforts onto the domestic market and maintain the current position seems like a sound strategy.

Since many of our customers are mostly multinational enterprises, they demand our service to be available globally. Being unavailable and invisible globally makes our customers seek for alternative services.

There are some in-kind competitors who can do similar things as CACHATTO, but not at our level of security. So some customers have decided to lower their security requirements to use those services. Our domestic customers are gradually replacing CACHATTO with alternative services.

It is a recent trend for multinational enterprises create their headquarters of their Asian operations in Singapore. Thus, having our product representative, a company in Singapore, would bring us closer to the decision makers. We will be more visible by doing so.

There are other things we need to work on, such as translating CACHATTO program and materials into other languages, and creating a 24/7 global helpdesk in multi-languages. Not only do we have to just creat a local company in Singapore, but also we have to have the service itself more multi-nationalized.
