オルタナティブ・ブログ > 坂本史郎の【朝メール】より > Team integrity breeds longevity


Team integrity breeds longevity

  • You don't have to prove that you are better. We value your team's performance. So, you just perform at your best to benefit the team.
  • Your team's image, or looking cool, is an important factor of the team.
  • Listening to others and commenting occasionally, leads to a creative and constructive team.
  • You might be wrong. Honestly admitting your wrongdoings and fixing them will eventually reveal your braveness and strength.
  • Teaching others is a benefit to yourself because it is the best occasion to solidify and express your understanding, thus teaching yourself.
  • Everyone is unique and has strengths and weaknesses, and team work is there to mash them up to cover individual weaknesses.
  • What is mine and what is yours ends up in a zero-sum game. Constructive teams can come up with an answer out of the plane in a third-dimension frontier.
  • Work is about finding your place to contribute.
  • Add on to others' opinions constructively.
  • Yelling at others creates nothing. Respect is the base of all relationships. Respect your boss, your co-workers, your members, and your business partners. Be patient with them. The relationships are good if you show your good side. They are bad if you show your bad side.
  • The more senior your position is, the lower part of the organization you need to see. As the CEO, I care about dust on the floor and the quality of the atmosphere.
  • We change the organization and work assignments according to your abilities and growth.
  • Paying attention encourages good minds and pulls out proper attitude. Taking care starts from showing interest in others and responding accordingly.
  • Taking initiatives is the easiest way to achieve your ideal working environment. Don't complain, but take initiatives with a magic phrase, "I'll do it!"