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Momentsをリリースした後、彼はAIラボのヤン・ルカン所長の動画を自身のFacebookで投稿しています(文末に転載しました)。下図はルカン教授の動画に出てくる、もののかたち認識システム「ImageNet Camera」がバナナをバナナとほぼ言い当てたシーンです。banana.jpg



なので、Oculus VRの買収も、同じ目的なんじゃないかと思います。来年発売予定のOculus Riftは仮想現実(VR)HMDですが、そのうちAR HMDも出すんじゃないでしょうか。今は関係良好なMicrosoftのHoloLensとバッティングしますが。

One of the great scientific challenges of our time is understanding how the human mind works, and where intelligence comes from.Recently, we've made progress building systems that help advance our understanding -- through the field of artificial intelligence.With artificial intelligence, we have a chance to build a new generation of apps and services that are more natural, intuitive, and valuable.Today we launched a new app called Moments that helps you sync photos with your friends. Moments recognizes which of your friends are in the photos you take, and lets you share those photos with those people in one tap. If you use it, your friends will sync to you a lot of the photos of you they have hidden in their camera rolls.This is a simple example of AI at work. By building a system that learned to recognize people and objects in images, we could enable this new service.Now imagine a system that can identify words on a screen for a blind person and read them aloud, help an autistic child to decipher facial expressions, or identify street signs in one language and instantly translate them to another. Those are just a few more of the applications that image recognition technology driven by AI can already help us achieve.In the years ahead, artificial intelligence and image recognition have the chance to make the internet far more useful for everyone. You can learn more about how we're working to help build them in the video below.

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on 2015年6月15日