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海外記事、ブログ、記事にならない情報について、ITmedia エンタープライズ海外記事担当から一言





Some intimate details on the Google YouTube Deal


So the parties (including venture capital firm Sequoia Capital) agreed to earmark a portion of the purchase price to pay for settlements and/or hire attorneys to fight claims. Nearly 500 million of the 1.65 billion purchase price is not being disbursed to shareholders but instead held in escrow.


The media companies had their typical challenges. Specifically, how to get money from Youtube without being required to give any to the talent (musicians and actors)? If monies were received as part of a license to Youtube then they would contractually obligated to share a substantial portion of the proceeds with others. For example most record label contracts call for artists to get 50% of all license deals. It was decided the media companies would receive an equity position as an investor in Youtube which Google would buy from them.



The first request was a simple one and that was an agreement to look the other way for the next 6 months or so while copyright infringement continues to flourish.

The second request was to pile some lawsuits on competitors to slow them down and lock in Youtube's position.


Infringement lawsuits will be served on Youtube and the new proud parent Google in the coming months. Google will respond with two paths: an expensive legal fight or a quick and easy settlement with most choosing the latter.



