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標題: 4 simple tests of stroke

> A friend once fell down suddenly in a BBQ party.
> 旁邊的朋友建議找醫護人員,
> People around suggested her go to the hospital,
> 但她很確定自己沒事,
> 只是穿了新鞋被磚塊絆了一下罷了。
> But she reassured that nothing's wrong with herself,
> except having fallen
> down due stepping on a piece of brick in a pair of
> new shoes.
> 她還有點危危顫顫站立不穩的時候,
> While she was still shivering, not standing firm,
> 朋友們幫她清洗乾淨, 又為她盛了一盤食物,
> Friends helped her clean up her body, and got a
> plate of food for her,
> 她就跟著大家一起享受接下來的時光了。
> So afterwards, she happily enjoyed the rest of time
> with the company.
> 她的先生後來打電話通知大家,
> Later on, her husband called to tell these friends,
> 她被送到醫院,傍晚六點,就過世了,
> She has been sent to the hospital at last, and she
> passed away at 6 PM
> lately,
> 原因是她在烤肉聚餐的時候中風。
> Which cause was a stroke to her during the BBQ
> party.
> 如果他們懂得辨識中風的癥兆,
> If they know how to identify the symptoms of a
> stroke,
> 她現在也許還跟我們在一起。
> She might still be staying with us ......
> 有些人不會死,
> Some people do not die,
> 但結局處於無助無望的景況中。
> However the result is in even helpless and disparate
> condition.
> 只需要花一分鐘的時間讀完這篇文章,
> It only takes one minute to read this article.
> 腦神經外科醫師說,
> A neurosurgeon says :
> 如果他能在三小時之內接觸到中風患者,
> If he can reach a patient in 3 hours after a stroke
> attack,
> 他就可以將中風的後果完全扭轉過來。
> He can alter the stroke consequences
> 訣竅就是辨識診斷出中風的問題,
> The trick is how to diagnose a stroke,
> 並讓病患在三小時之內接受醫療,
> And let the patient have treatment within 3 hours
> after a stroke.
> 而這是很難的。
> But this is very difficult.
> 辨識中風
> To diagnose a stroke
> 感謝上帝讓我們記住 STR 三步驟,
> Thank god for allowing us to remember 3 simple steps
> : STR
> 請閱讀並學習 !
> Please read and learn !
> 有時候中風的癥兆很難辨認,
> Sometimes it's not easy to identify a stroke,
> 不幸的是,缺乏警覺就會帶來災難。
> Yet unfortunately, it will bring disaster without
> proper alert.
> 身邊的人辨認不出中風的徵兆,
> If people around a stroke patient are not able to
> tell a stroke,
> 中風患者就會嚴重腦傷。
> The stroke patient will suffer from serious brain
> injury.
> 醫生說,旁人只要問三個簡單的問題,
> A doctor says, if surrounding people can just ask 3
> simple questions,
> 就可以辨識中風:
> It is possible to diagnose a stroke.
> S : (smile) 要求患者笑一下
> Ask the patient to smile
> T : (talk) 要求患者說一句簡單的句子
> (要有條理,有連貫性),例如:今天天氣晴朗。
> Request the patient say a simple sentence (must be
> reasonable and
> consecutive),e.g. The weather is sunny today.
> R : (raise) 要求 患者舉起雙手
> Ask the patient to raise both hands at the same time
> 注意 Note:
> 另外一項中風癥兆是: 要求患者伸出舌頭
> ,如果舌頭「彎曲」或偏向一邊,那也是中風的徵兆
> One more diagnose method of stroke is : Tell the
> patient to extrude his
> tongue. If the tongue is bending or leaning towards
> one side, that is also a
> symptom of stroke.
> 做不來,就要立刻打 999 !!!並!
> 且把症狀描述給接線者聽。
> Above are 4 steps. In case a patient can't do either
> one of such gestures,
> you should dial 999 !!!
> 心臟科醫師說,
> A cardiac surgeon says :
> 收到這封電函的人, 若能將它轉寄給 10 個人,
> Whenever a person forwards this message to 10 other
> persons,
> 就至少可以救一條命。
> It can safe save at least one life.
