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Meetup with UCB Mayfield fellows from Silicon Valley


UCB院生一行のため、急遽meetupを5/9に開催。米国の一流ベンチャー・キャピタルのMayfield FundがUCBとStanfordの学生に起業家育成プログラム Mayfield Fellow Program  を提供してます。そのUCBの方は、毎年日本に学生を送ってます。今回は2012 Followが参加。専攻も出身国も多彩でいい感じでした。

We hold a casual meet up with entrepreneurs in Japan, welcoming UCB grad students of the 2012 Mayfield entrepreneurial program.  Thanks to B Dash Ventures, that kindly let us use their new, nice office in spite of such a sudden event.  Also thanks to BRIDGE community, Hisashi Katsuya and I have been developing with great people.  Masami Kato of NetService Ventures Group asked me this a few days before the Golden Week and we made it.

Alan Yu, Sherwin Faden, Henri Ainai (UCB grad), Vimal Kini, Chawita Netirojjanakul

right:  Sandeep Casi,  Amit Niimi, Hisashi Katsuya

Sherwin, Chawita, Kazuhiro, Masami Koto, Keizo Tsutsui, Tony

Takeshi Kabata, Alan, Sherwin, Viaml, Vivien Leong

Yu Shinohara, Tony le Verger, Kuis Navarro, Hisashi, Henri, and Gensan Gensan

Kazuhiro Ogura, Maxwell Weiss, Shuji Honjo
(photo by Hisashi Katsuya)

Sandeep Casi  http://cinemacraft.tv/
Shuji Utsumi  http://www.qentertainment.com/eng/
Sherwin Faden  https://www.tapjoy.com/
Naoki Endo  http://www.bebit.co.jp/english/
Amit Niimi
Hideo Tsukazaki (UCB grad)  http://www.willvii.co.jp/english/corporateinfo.html
Keizo Tsutsui  http://www.next-group.jp/en/index.html
Takeshi Kabata  http://www.toneconnect.com/img/toneconnect_eng.pdf
Yu Shinohara  http://start.everconnect.me/
Ian Chun  http://www.mlatte.com/en/
Sonoe Azuma  http://japanport.weblogs.jp/onsen/ http://www.spark-net.com/english/
Serkan Toto  http://www.serkantoto.com/
Henri Ainai (UCB grad)  http://www.fujisan.co.jp/ Fujisan
Kazuhiro Ogura  http://www.hde.co.jp/ HDE
Thank you for joining us!

Masami, it was fun, and pls let me know a few weeks beforehand next time for more fun!
