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Parallels WS、ついにオーディオサポートか?


 仮想化ソフトParallels Workstationはまだまだよくなるを書いた直後にβ2がリリースされ、いくつかのバグが修正され高速化するなど、急激な展開を見せている「もう1つのXP環境」ですが、公式ブログに興味深い記述があるのを発見しました。場所は、ここです。

Sunday, April 09, 2006
Thanks to the rabid support of our 30,000+ beta testers, we were able to make some serious improvements to the Beta very quickly. Beta 2 is available for download now, and includes:

Full audio support in guest VMs
Full Wi-Fi support in guest VMs
Kernel bug fixes (some major, some minor)

All in all, the product is looking really good. I give a big "THANK YOU" to everyone who's helped with testing, or just sent me a note offering their support.

Almost forgot! Get the Beta2 now at the Parallels 2.1 for Mac OS X download center.



 既にParallels Workstationを導入している人は、まめにダウンロードページをのぞいてみたほうがいいかもしれません。


OK, I got the lowdown on sound support. Look for a new beta in the next 48 hours that will completely resolve this issue. Sorry for speaking too soon on that front!


さらに追記 Parallels、「OS X内でXPを動かせる」Intel Mac用仮想マシンにサウンド機能を追加[ITmedia]
