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レッドハット株式会社の山本 裕介氏が公の場でDroolsチームと議論しているので、ここで取り上げさせていただく。





DroolsプロジェクトのリーダであるMark Proctorも次のようにコメントをしている。著作権の保留者として、自分で作成した新規コードであれば、貢献する前に自由にライセンスを設定することができる。プロジェクトに貢献した後は、著作権は作成者にあるが、利用する権利(ランセンス)はプロジェクトにある。


On 01/09/2010 10:16, Yusuke Yamamoto wrote:
>>>No that is not the way that OSS licensing works. You as the copyright holder may release

>>>future versions of code you hold the copyright for under different licenses. You cannot

>>> retro-actively change the license of something.
>>Yeah, you're right on that part.

>Red Hat shouldn't be the copyright holder since it's done by my spare time. There's no

> term in the employment agreement that enables Red Hat to grab copyright ownership

> of employee's work done by unpaid hours.
You are confusing copyright, go seek legal council - maybe Richard?

And as the copyright holder, I do not wish to release my work under the ASL in the future.
So please remove them from the trunk and do not include in the future versions.
Either you are incredibly stupid, or just playing dumb to annoy everyone and waste people's time. I don't think myself or others could have been any clearer. You cannot retroactive unlicense something. That code which you have contributed is under the terms of the ASL, FOREVER, you cannot change that. Under the terms of the ASL we can modify it and distribute and make derivitives from it in further versions FOREVER.

I have made that clear, your code will not be removed, this matter is closed and you will achieve nothing more in discussing this further here. Any further discussions should take place between legally qualified people.

Now grow up and stop embarassing yourself.




Now I'm not requesting to change the license retroactively.
It's okay to keep including my work in the released versions.



