New York Times Finally Decides To Add Online Paywall
New York Times Finally Decides To Add Online Paywall, Announcement In Weeks
The New York Times will adopt a paywall similar to the
Financial Times, according to sources speaking with New
York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman.ニューヨークタイムス(Web版)がフィナシャルタイムスのような
課金体系を取り入れる。(Gabriel Sherman:New York Magazine)The 'metered' model allows a visitor to come to the site and get
a certain amount of articles for free. After the visitor uses up his
allotment, then he's asked to pay for more access'merterd' モデル、つまり読者は無料何本かの記事を読むことが
購読料を支払わなければならない。This decision has been a long time in the making, but the upper
management finally decided to pull the trigger. The paywall will
be announced in weeks, and it will take effect in a few months.この決断には長い時間を要したが、ついに経営層は引き金を
ただ、他のメディアが無料のままで、しかもNew York Timesが
・no reason to pay for news
・Nope, I won't be paying. I think it's ridiculous.
・A big NO! I'll switch to other news services.
・Big mistake...big mistake.
The New York Times are definitely one of the best news provider,
and it is my main source of news. But I will go find other free sources
once they started to charge without hesitate. Limited history articles
access would be a better idea.
このように、New York Timesを最も優れたニュースプロバイダーの1つだと
一つとして、New York Timesについても今後の動向を見守りたいです。