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Forgetting helps you remember the important stuff, researchers say



For the first time, Stanford researchers using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have discovered that the brain's ability to suppress irrelevant memories makes it easier for humans to remember what's really important.



According to Wagner, the findings demonstrate the brain's ability to discard irrelevant memories. "Any act of remembering re-weights memories, tweaking them to try to be more adaptive for the next time you try to remember something," he said. "The brain is plastic—adaptive—and one feature of that is not just strengthening some memories but also suppressing or weakening others."



The act of remembering is a complex cognitive activity because memory is associative, Wagner said, meaning that when someone, for example, thinks about what they ate for lunch the day before, it's likely to tap into memories of other lunches. "In order to remember, we need a set of mechanisms that allows us to select and target the memories we want, and allow them to win out over competing but irrelevant memories," he said. "So, initially, any act of retrieval is very resource intensive and places heavy demands on attention mechanisms in the prefrontal cortex." But when the competing but unimportant memories are successfully suppressed, fewer demands are placed on the frontal lobes to remember the relevant memories.


今週は一昨日のランチを、来週は一昨日会った人の顔を思い出す、というように、「重要とは思っていないことを無理矢理重要視して思い出す訓練」を積んでいけば、記憶の重み付けを見直す(re-weights memories)能力は高まるかもしれません。その能力にどういう意味があるのはさておき。





Bob Sutton: Stanford Study: Forgetting Helps You Remember The Important Stuff

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