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Internal competition at work: Worth the trouble?
社内競争: トラブルが発生しても余りあるメリット?


"Collaboration is fundamentally the best approach towards management," says Michael Serino, executive director of Human Capital Development at Cornell's Industrial and Labor Relations School. Whether it's accurate or not, most people in business today tend to believe that collaborative work delivers better results.

And yet, several Fortune 500 companies foster competitive internal environments.

Collaboration/協力という概念は、現在広く浸透しています。Harvard Business Reviewでも昨年後半に大々的な特集を組んでいました。ちょっと軟弱な印象もある言葉ではありますが、恐怖を与えるマネジメントよりはマシという意見が大半を占めることは間違いなさそう。でもFortune 500社の中でも依然社内で競争環境を推奨しているところはある、と。

コンサルティングファームやローファーム(弁護士事務所)ではよく"Up or Out"という昇格モデルが使われます。皆パートナーを目指して、そこにたどりつけない人は外の行き先を探す、という。

Take Goldman Sachs (GS). Every couple of years, the company promotes roughly a hundred employees to partner...But there are fewer than 500 partners out of 35,000 employees at the firm.

Former GE CEO Jack Welch was known for championing a "forced ranking" system. Top GE executives would rank employees by performance, and they generally let the bottom 10% go.

ゴールドマンサックスもGEもUp or Outを取り入れて成長をしています。当然副作用として出ていく人はどうなるの、という問題はあるのですが、

"If you think about McKinsey, it has always been an example of 'up or out,' but 'out' is not such a bad place,"...People who leave often get good offers elsewhere.



But companies can actually use a competition to encourage a collaborative environment, says Dick Grote, chairman and CEO of Grote Consulting. Grote has worked with PepsiCo (PEP), and he says management there bases 40% of an employee's annual bonus on how well he or she helps promising colleagues develop their careers at the company. People will collaborate when they're ranked on how well they work with others, Grote says.

Grote claims that one of the benefits of forced ranking and other competitive measures is that it compels managers to actually assess their employees, which many top executives don't do well.


"In an up-or-out model, the best consultants in the world get pushed out," says Dan Reardon, CEO of global consulting group North Highland.

Reardon's firm takes a different approach, and allows good consultants to keep their jobs as consultants, while other people focus on responsibilities that typically fall to partners, such as sales. Also, Reardon says, all employees, not just partners, have equity in the company.

"Up or Stay"という感じでしょうか。パートナーになりたくなくて、とか、マネージャーになりたくなくて、という理由でわざと滞留する人も結構います。一般企業と同様、専門性を深めていくという複線型がこういったプロフェッショナルファームでも増えていっているようです。ただ、その専門性って相当高くないと通用しないんですけども。


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