本日のエントリはちょっと変わり種な、THE OTTAWA CITIZENというカナダの首都オタワのローカル誌の記事をご紹介。
At Irdeto's Kanata office, not even the senior vice-president has his own desk...
None of Irdeto's 140 workers has an assigned desk. There are rows of computers at long tables, 33 "focus rooms" and meeting rooms of various sizes ranging from an executive board room to cosy spaces suitable for a couple of people.
There is a sunny, spacious kitchen and dining area. Workers each have a locker. Every object at a work table, from a coffee mug to a laptop, must be cleared away at the end of the day...
10 informal seating areas with coaches and chairs in vibrant shades or orange, blue and green. Workers are free to duck into a meeting room for a quick consultation.
- Number of workers: 140
- Number of lockers: 190 (10 are for visitors)
- Percentage of workers who are in the office on any given day, on average: 80
- Number of meeting rooms: 33
- Number of printers: 2
- Number of unisex showers: 4
"The whole paradigm is that important information happens informally, in the hallway, at the water cooler. Information finds me rather than me having to go to find it," says Sendyk
Sendyk氏は製品担当役員ですが、このシステムの要諦は、「重要な情報はインフォーマルに発生するもので、それは廊下だったり水飲み場だったりする。そこは情報を探しに行くところではなく、情報が私を見つけてくれるところだ」とのこと。"It's a pleasure to have information find me."とも言っていますが、この感覚を日常的に社員が体験するために、あえて固定席を作らず、机のないスペースを多く作って、井戸端会議的な雰囲気の中から優れたアイデアを生み出そうという工夫がなされています。
"It humanizes people a lot more," says Spencer. "Instead of calling or emailing a colleague, people are more likely to simply walk over. I would rather talk to someone for five minutes than email all morning."
Theoretically, by not assigning desks, this shrinks the need for workspace by 20 per cent. But there are more meeting rooms, so the space saving is less than that.
Irdeto, a global software security firm, moved from its old cubicle farm last month to a former call centre that was reconfigured according to the technology company's specifications. Irdeto offices in the Netherlands, China and California are already designed this way....
"It's good, but it's different, the same way every student leaves primary school and their assigned desk. It's kind of like that. Some people love it and find it liberating. Others are taking longer to adjust."