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 1月28日は、米国で最も優秀と思われる2人からプレゼンテーションが行われます。その1人はスティーブ・ジョブズ氏。彼がその魅力を紹介すると思われているAppleタブレット(iSlate? iPad?)の発表の日(たぶん)。そしてもう1つは、オバマ大統領の一般教書演説。


Thank you for coming. And thank you to President Obama for asking me to deliver this year's speech. We're going to make some history today. You know, it was just a year ago that we announced our economic plan for 2009. We said we were going to turn around the recession. We said we'd create jobs. And we said we'd do it in 12 months. What happened? We did it in three. It was the most successful period in the history of the United States. And 2010 is only going to be better. How awesome is that?

「不況からの回復と雇用創出。われわれは12カ月でやる、と約束した。で、どうなったか? 3カ月でやった。これはアメリカ合衆国の歴史の中で最も成功した時期だ。2010年はそれ以上になる。すごいと思わないか?」


How did we do it? Simple. We made a stimulus package. It had the most features of any package we've ever created—more jobs, more money, more everything. We could have stopped there. We could've said, Hey, that was great. Let's go do something else. But you know what? It wasn't enough. The American people deserve something even better and more revolutionary.


So today, we're introducing a new plan. It's called Stimulus 2GS, and it's sleeker than any economic recovery package ever created. It's got bridges, it's got schools, it's got broadband Internet. All that, and it's super easy to use—you can control it from iTunes. Pretty cool, huh?

 「そこで今日、新たな景気刺激対策を発表しよう。Stimulus 2GSと呼ばれるものだ。過去につくられたどんな景気復活対策よりもスリークだ。橋も、学校も、ブロードバンドインターネットも含まれる。そしてむちゃくちゃ使いやすくて、iTunesから使える。クールだろ?」


