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Yagishita's alternative blog



毎週、何かしら驚くニュースが届きますが、今週は「Xmarks のサービス終了のお知らせ」でしょうか。


Xmarks はご存知のように、OS やブラウザ間の壁を超えて、ブックマークやパスワードを同期してくれるいいサービスだったんですけど、やはり、企業を存続できなければ NG ということなんですね。

By Spring 2010, with money running tight and options fading, we started searching for potential buyers of the company. Over the past three months, we have been remarkably close to striking a deal, only to have the potential buyer get cold feet. We also considered refocusing Xmarks as a freemium sync business, but the prospects there are grim too: with the emergence of competent sync features built in to Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, it’s hard to see users paying for a service that they can now get for free.

引用元: End of the Road for Xmarks

マネタイズがうまくできない場合の case studies としてみるといい例かもしれません。
