4月30日,3Dデスクトップベンチャー BumpTopが,Googleに買収されたと発表した。現時点でGoogle公式アナウンスはないが,多くのブログメディアで報道されはじめている。
- Google Acquires BumpTop and Its 3D Desktop Technology (Mashable)
- Google acquires 3D desktop BumpTop (CNET)
- Something Is Brewing At BumpTop, Possible Google Acquisition (TechCrunch)
Letter to Users
“First of all, we’d like to thank you for your past purchase of BumpTopPro. Our mission is to revolutionize the way people use computers, and your support has helped us continue working towards that goal.
Today, we have a big announcement to make: we’re going to be taking BumpTop in an exciting new direction, which means that BumpTop (for both Windows and Mac) will no longer be available for sale. Additionally, no updates to the products are planned.
What does this mean for BumpTop Pro users? Rest assured you will be able to continue running the latest version of BumpTop with Pro features indefinitely. However, downloads and support for BumpTop Pro will end on June 1, 2010, and we will not be issuing any further updates. We recommend you save a copy of the latest installer at in case you wish to reinstall BumpTop in the future. For your reference, your invite code is ___
We want you be completely satisfied with the purchase you made. Our customers constantly tell us how much they love BumpTop and how it’s completely changed the way they use their desktop, and you will be able to run BumpTop Pro for as long as you want. If the end-of-life announcement still leaves you dissatisfied, however, contact us for a refund at, regardless of purchase date. All requests must be made by June 1, 2010.
Thanks again for your support of BumpTop and for helping make computing more natural and fun. Despite our change in strategy, we remain as passionate as ever about helping shape the future of computing!
The Bumps”
・ Google vs Apple vs Microsoft ~ ひと目でわかるモバイルOS戦争の構図 (1/3)
・ Googleは20%ルールによってイノベーションのジレンマを回避している (12/21)
【in the looop はてぶトップ3記事】
1位 Google Readerであらゆるページを購読可能に ~ 自動RSSフィード生成機能 (1/26)
2位 個人が印税35%の電子書籍を出版できる時代 - Amazon Kindleの衝撃 (12/30)
3位 mixi,モバゲー,iPhone 徹底比較 「どのアプリが一番儲かるか?」 (12/1)
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