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2020-4-27 「コロナウィルスから人類への手紙」




日本語の訳は、下にあります。Coronavirus Letter To HumanityThe earth whispered but you did not hear.The earth spoke but you did not listenThe earth screamed but you turned her off.And so, I was born...I was not born to punish you ...I was born to awaken you ...The earth cried out for he...
日本語の訳は、下にあります。Coronavirus Letter To HumanityThe earth...
日本語の訳は、下にあります。Coronavirus Letter To HumanityThe earth whispered but you did not hear.The earth spoke but you did not listenThe earth screamed but you turned her off.And so, I was born...I was not born to punish you ...I was born to awaken you ...The earth cried out for he...