"Superstition" by Stevie Wonder
When you believe in things you don't understand, then you suffer...
Superstition ain't the way!
あとでエライ目にあうで... 迷信とかクソ
元々スティービーがジェフ・ベックのために書いた曲だったのが、大人の事情でスティービーのアルバム《Talking Book》に収録されることに。
(スティービーは代わりに《Cause We've Ended As Lovers》という曲をジェフ・ベックに提供した)
Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (English Edition)
PREFACE by Michel FoucaultAnti-Oedipus shows first of all how much ground has been covered. But it does much more than that. It wastes no time in discrediting the old idols, even though it does have a great deal of fun with Freud. Most important, it motivates us to go further.
It would be a mistake to read Anti-Oedipus as the new theoretical reference (you know, that much-heralded theory that finally encompasses everything, that finally totalizes and reassures, the one we are told we "need so badly" in our age of dispersion and specialization where "hope" is lacking). One must not look for a "philosophy" amid the extraordinary profusion of new notions and surprise concepts: Anti-Oedipus is not a flashy Hegel. I think that Anti-Oedipus can best be read as an "art," in the sense that is conveyed by the term "erotic art," for example. Informed by the seemingly abstract notions of multiplicities, flows, arrangements, and connections, the analysis of the relationship of desire to reality and to the capitalist "machine" yields answers to concrete questions. Questions that are less concerned with why this or that than with how to proceed. How does one introduce desire into thought, into discourse, into action? How can and must de sire deploy its forces within the political domain and grow more intense in the process of overturning the established order? Ars erotica, ars theoretica, ars politico.
Whence the three adversaries confronted by Anti-Oedipus. Three adversaries who do not have the same strength, who represent varying degrees of danger, and whom the book combats in different ways:
1. The political ascetics, the sad militants, the terrorists of theory, those who would preserve the pure order of politics and political discourse. Bureaucrats of the revolution and civil servants of Truth.
2. The poor technicians of desire --psychoanalysts and sociologists of every sign and symptom-- who would subjugate the multiplicity of desire to the twofold law of structure and lack.
拙劣なる欲望の技術者たち --あらゆる徴候や症状を扱う精神分析医や社会学者-- は、重層的欲望を構造と欠乏という二元論に服従させようとする。
3. Last but not least, the major enemy, the strategic adversary is fascism (whereas Anti-Oedipus' opposition to the others is more of a tactical engagement). And not only historical fascism, the fascism of Hitler and Mussolini --which was able to mobilize and use the desire of the masses so effectively-- but also the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.
I would say that Anti-Oedipus (may its authors forgive me) is a book of ethics, the first book of ethics to be written in France in quite a long time (perhaps that explains why its success was not limited to a particular "readership": being anti-oedipal has become a lifestyle, a way of thinking and living). How does one keep from being fascist, even (especially) when one believes one self to be a revolutionary militant? How do we rid our speech and our acts, our hearts and our pleasures, of fascism? How do we ferret out the fascism that is ingrained in our behavior? The Christian moralists sought out the traces of the flesh lodged deep within the soul. Deleuze and Guattari, for their part, pursue the slightest traces of fascism in the body.
Paying a modest tribute to Saint Francis de Sales,* one might say that Anti-Oedipus is an Introduction to the Non-Fascist Life.
*A seventeenth-century priest and Bishop of Geneva, known for his Introduction to the Devout Life.聖フランシスコ・ド・サレス*にささやかな敬意を表しつつ、アンチ・オイディプスは「非ファシズム的生活への入門書」であると称したい。
*17世紀の司祭、ジュネーブの司教で、『敬虔な生活入門』で知られる。This art of living counter to all forms of fascism, whether already present or impending, carries with it a certain number of essen tial principles which I would summarize as follows if I were to make this great book into a manual or guide to everyday life:
• Free political action from all unitary and totalizing paranoia.
• あらゆる一元的かつ全体主義的なパラノイアから政治的行動を解放せよ。• Develop action, thought, and desires by proliferation, juxtaposition, and disjunction, and not by subdivision and pyramidal hierarchization.
• 細分化やピラミッド型の階層化ではなく、増殖、並置、離散によって、行動、思考、欲求を発展させよ。• Withdraw allegiance from the old categories of the Negative (law, limit, castration, lack, lacuna), which Western thought has so long held sacred as a form of power and an access to reality. Prefer what is positive and multiple, difference over uniformity, flows over unities, mobile arrangements over systems. Believe that what is productive is not sedentary but nomadic.
• 古ぼけた負のカテゴリー(法則、制限、去勢、欠乏、空白)に対する忠誠から脱却せよ。これらは西洋思想が権力の形式として、あるいは現実との接点として、長らく神聖視してきたものに他ならない。ポジティブかつ重層的なものを、同調ではなく差異を、同質ではなく流れを、システムではなく遊動的な仕掛けを模索せよ。能動的であるために必要なのは、定住ではなく遊動性である。• Do not think that one has to be sad in order to be militant, even though the thing one is fighting is abominable. It is the connection of desire to reality (and not its retreat into the forms of representation) that possesses revolutionary force.
• たとえ闘う相手が忌まわしいものであっても、闘争的であろうとして悲壮感を漂わせる必要などない。(表象界への逃避ではなく)欲望と現実との結合こそが、革命的な力を発揮する。• Do not use thought to ground a political practice in Truth; nor political action to discredit, as mere speculation, a line of thought. Use political practice as an intensifier of thought, and analysis as a multiplier of the forms and domains for the intervention of political action.
• 政治的実践の根拠を「真理」に求めてはならない。と同時に思考の筋道を(あたかも臆見であるかのように)貶めるような政治的行動も唾棄すべし。政治的実践は思考を強化するものとして、分析は政治的活動を実践するための手段と領域を重層化するものとして位置づけられるべきものである。• Do not demand of politics that it restore the "rights" of the individual, as philosophy has defined them. The individual is the product of power. What is needed is to "de-individualize" by means of multiplication and displacement, diverse combinations. The group must not be the organic bond uniting hierarchized individuals, but a constant generator of deindividualization.
• 哲学が定義するような個人の「権利」を回復することを政治に要求してはならない。個人は権力の産物にすぎない。必要なのは、重層的、置換的、多様な組み合わせによって「脱個人化」することである。階層化された個人を有機的に結びつける組織ではなく、脱個人化を促し続けるような仕組みを構築すべし。• Do not become enamored of power.
• 権力欲の虜になるな。It could even be said that Deleuze and Guattari care so little for power that they have tried to neutralize the effects of power linked to their own discourse. Hence the games and snares scattered throughout the book, rendering its translation a feat of real prowess. But these are not the familiar traps of rhetoric; the latter work to sway the reader without his being aware of the manipulation, and ultimately win him over against his will. The traps of Anti-Oedipus are those of humor: so many invitations to let oneself be put out, to take one's leave of the text and slam the door shut. The book often leads one to believe it is all fun and games, when something essential is taking place, something of extreme seriousness: the tracking down of all varieties of fascism, from the enormous ones that surround and crush us to the petty ones that constitute the tyrannical bitterness of our everyday lives.