本日のエントリはFast Companyより。最新号のテーマともなっている、Generation Fluxについて。
This Is Generation Flux: Meet The Pioneers Of The New (And Chaotic) Frontier Of Business
これが連続変化の世代だ ― 新たな(そしてカオスな)ビジネスの地平を拓くパイオニアたち
これが連続変化の世代だ ― 新たな(そしてカオスな)ビジネスの地平を拓くパイオニアたち
The future of business is pure chaos. Here's how you can survive--and perhaps even thrive.
と、これからのビジネスは完全なカオスであり、その中で生き延び、さらに繁栄を享受するにはどのように行動すべきか、Fast Company誌の選ぶGeneration Fluxの7人のインタビューを題材に書かれた長文記事がアップされています。
まずはカオス学者のDJ Patil氏。ちょうどTechCrunchでもタレント獲得についての記事が出ていましたが、彼が語るカオス理論のエッセンスは、
The important insight is identifying when things are chaotic and when they're not.
The business climate, it turns out, is a lot like the weather. And we've entered a next-two-hours era.
"I don't have a plan. If you look too far out in the future, you waste your time."
The next decade or two will be defined more by fluidity than by any new, settled paradigm; if there is a pattern to all this, it is that there is no pattern. The most valuable insight is that we are, in a critical sense, in a time of chaos.
流動性以外のパラダイムが存在しない、パターンがない世界。この世界で生き残る世代こそが、Generation Fluxであり、
This is less a demographic designation than a psychographic one: What defines GenFlux is a mind-set that embraces instability, that tolerates--and even enjoys--recalibrating careers, business models, and assumptions. Not everyone will join Generation Flux, but to be successful, businesses and individuals will have to work at it.
また、戦略コンサルJump Associatesの共同創始者CEO、Dev Patnaik氏は、似た2つの言葉の定義について、重要な解釈を述べています。
"Most big organizations are good at solving clear but complicated problems. They're absolutely horrible at solving ambiguous problems--when you don't know what you don't know. Faced with ambiguity, their gears grind to a halt.
"Uncertainty is when you've defined the variable but don't know its value. Like when you roll a die and you don't know if it will be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. But ambiguity is when you're not even sure what the variables are. You don't know how many dice are even being rolled or how many sides they have or which dice actually count for anything." Businesses that focus on uncertainty, says Patnaik, "actually delude themselves into thinking that they have a handle on things. Ah, ambiguity; it can be such a bitch."
こういった議論の中で、重厚長大なGEの人が加わっているのが、さすが、といったところ。マーケティング最高責任者のBeth Comstock氏がGeneration Fluxの1人として取り上げられています。また、人事的な取り組みについても、担当のPeters氏のコメントが掲載されています。
"In a big company, you never feel you're fast enough." ...
Within GE, she says, "our traditional teams are too slow. We're not innovating fast enough. We need to systematize change." ...
"The pace of change is pretty amazing," Peters says. "There's a need to be less hierarchical and to rely more on teams. This has all increased dramatically in the last couple of years."
これを支える人材開発の取り組みとして、GEではクロトンビルの研修所が有名ですが、研修コースのありかたについても大きな変更を行ったとのこと。"Nuke Nostalgia"(ノスタルジアを駆逐すべし)という表題の中で、紹介されています。
Nostalgia is of particular concern to GE's Peters, keeper of the company's vaunted leadership training. Since 2009, she has been aggressively rethinking the program; last January, she rolled out "a new contemporized view of expectations" for GE's top 650 managers. That's a mouthful, but basically it's a revolution to the way execs are evaluated at the company known as America's leadership factory. "We now recognize that external focus is more multifaceted than simply serving 'the customer,'" says Peters, "that other stakeholders have to be considered. We talk about how to get and apply external knowledge, how to lead in ambiguous situations, how to listen actively, and the whole idea of collaboration."
Not everyone at GE is excited about the shift. "Some people question changing our definitions," Peters says. "When they do, I ask: How many of you use the same cell phone from five years ago? The world isn't the same, so we need new parameters." At GE's Crotonville leadership center, in New York, "we are physically changing the buildings, to make it better for teams," she says.
there's the building known around campus as the "White House," which dates back to the 1950s. "It's where executives would go after dinner to have a drink," Peters explains. "We're gutting it, replacing it with a university-like all-day coffeehouse. Some colleagues who've been here for 20, 30 years, they tell me, 'This is terrible.' I tell them, 'You are not our target demographic.'"
So much for nostalgia. At this year's meeting of GE's top executives, presentation materials will be available only via iPads. "Some are scrambling to learn how to turn one on," Peters says. "They just have to do it.
There's a natural tendency for some people to pull back when change comes. We're not going to wave a magic wand and make everyone different. But with the right team, the right coaching, we can get them to see things differently."
この記事ではそのほかにも、以前ならジョブホップとして忌み嫌われた短期不連続のキャリアパスの利点や、MashableのPete Cashmoreについてなど、読みどころ満載な記事です。週の始まりではありますが、週末にでもどうぞ。