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ジョン・ホルトさんから拙論「間に合った作家・松本大洋」(小学館漫画家本掲載 2018年)の英訳がコミックス・ジャーナルに掲載されたとのお知らせ。ありがとうございます! Making It Just in Time: Author-Creator Matsumoto Taiyō - The Comics Journal (tcj.com)
Making It Just in Time: Author-Creator Matsumoto Taiyō - The Comics Journal
Making It Just in Time: Author-Creator Matsumoto Taiyō - The Comics Journal
Artist and scholar Natsume Fusanosuke returns with an expansive 2018 essay on Matsumoto Taiyō, translated by Jon Holt & Teppei Fukuda. The ever-popular Matsumoto is here positioned as the exemplar of a sea change in manga history, as the power of serial magazine editors just started to decline, mak...