Wasteology - definition of waste
In Lean software development, there is a discussion regarding the definition of "Muda"(waste). In Lean manufacturing (or TPS), "waste reduction" or "eliminating waste" is the first key to be lean and "seven wastes" of production is a famous practice
to train managers eyes at Gemba. But in software or in the product development world, it is very difficult to distinguish waste from creativity or effective slack.
David Anderson (if I remember correctly) once discussed that waste is the tail-side of value and they are the two sides of one coin. So in software development, we should go back to the principle level and focus on "value flow" rather than "waste reduction".
Alan Shalloway keynoted at Agile Japan 2010 and proposed to use "delay" to be removed. Now "delay removal" is a better wording of the practice than "waste removal".
Don Reinertson also discussed this at Lean Sofware and Systems Conference 2010.
Last week we visited Danish Embasy yesterday, to listen to Prof. Nishinari's "wasteology". He is also famous for "jammology" and once appeared in the bakusho-mondai's TV show.
He says defining "waste" is not easy. This is the diagram he showed us in the session.
First, a "purpose" and a "period of time" should be set first in order to define waste. Without proper settings of them, many arguments about whether one thing is a waste or not, comes from lack of shared ideas of purpose and period. The purpose becomes the axis of value, and the period becomes the point of evaluation. And the profit is defined as the difference between the output value and the input cost. Then his definition goes;
When you want to achieve a certain purpose in a certain period of time,
“waste” is the factor(s) which makes the actual profit lower than the expected one.
Now I'm thinking... how can we use this definition in our world to be practical ?
David Anderson はムダの裏側の価値を前面に押し出して、価値フローを作る、ということに注目すべきだ、という議論をしていましたし、Alan Shalloway はムダでなく「遅れ」ということでより具体的にすべきだ、という議論をしました。
(※ 4/30日追記:これは、北村さんが描いてくれたマインドマップです。(クリックで拡大))