オルタナティブ・ブログ > 夏目房之介の「で?」 >




昨日、鍼灸師の友人から、今キプロスにいるのだが、パスポートと現金、カードを紛失したので、助けてくれ、という英文メールが届き、思わず「どうすればいい?」と返信したら、Many Gramを使って1300ユーロ振り込んでくれ、というメールがきた。うわあ、と思ってついその気になった。が、ふと不安になって本人に確認したら、彼は日本にいた。メールアドレスを盗まれたらしい。危なかったー。


1)> Hi
> I am in Limassol, South-Cyprus at the moment and I just misplaced my
> bag containing my phone, passport and money and other personal
> belongings in a Taxi. I am trying to sort things here . I need your
> assistance, let me know if you can be of any help.
> Regards,

2)Thanks , I've been to the embassy and was issued a temporary passport. I just need to borrow about 1300 euro to settle my bills, i will pay back as soon as i get back home. Western Union or MoneyGram Money transfer is the fastest option to wire funds to me. All you have to do is to locate the nearest MoneyGram shop to you and they will have the money sent in minutes. See details needed for MoneyGram transfer below:

Name on my ID: ××××
Address : ×××× .

You will need to email me the Reference number, senders name and address as it's stated on the payment slip as soon as you make transfer so I can receive money here.
