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【速報】「2010年IT業界の10大予測」 by 米国IDC


IT専門調査会社IDCより,2010年IT産業における10大予測 が発表された。

タイトルは「Recovery and Transformation」(回復と変革)となっており,市場規模は不況前レベルに回復するが,(1)新興国の市場拡大,(2)クラウドコンピューティングの進展,(3)モバイル機器とアプリケーションの普及,(4)ネットワークの高速化 などにより,大規模な市場再編を示唆している。


  1. Growth will return to the IT industry in 2010. We predict 3.2% growth for the year, returning the industry to 2008 spending levels of about $1.5 trillion.
  2. 2010 will also see improved growth and stability in the worldwidetelecommunications market, with worldwide spending predicted to increase 3%.
  3. Emerging markets will lead the IT recovery, with BRIC countries growing 8–13%.
  4. Cloud computing will expand and mature as we see a strategic battle for cloud platform leadership, new public cloud hot spots, private cloud offerings, cloud appliances, and offerings that bridge public and private clouds.
  5. It will be a watershed year in the ascension of mobile devices as strategic platforms for commercial and enterprise developers as over 1 billion access the Internet, iPhone apps triple, Android apps quintuple, and Apple's "iPad" arrives.
  6. Public networks — more important than ever — will continue their aggressive evolution to fiber and 3G and 4G wireless. 4G will be overhyped, more wireless networks will become "invisible," and the FCC will regulate over-the-top VoIP.
    公衆ネットワークは光通信網,3G/4G携帯通信網とも引き続き大きな進歩をとげるだろう。4Gは過剰宣伝され,多くの無線ネットワークは"invisible"(例えばKindleが背景で米Splint回線を利用するように)にな。またFCC(米国連邦通信委員会)はVoIP(Voice over IP)に規制をかけるだろう。
  7. Business applications will undergo a fundamental transformation — fusing business applications with social/collaboration software and analytics into a new generation of "socialytic" apps, challenging current market leaders.
  8. Rising energy costs and pressure from the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference will make sustainability a source of renewed opportunity for the IT industry in 2010.
  9. Other industries will come out of the recession with a transformation agenda and look to IT as an increasingly important lever for these initiatives. Smart meters and electronic medical records will hit important adoption levels.
  10. The IT industry's transformations will drive a frenetic pace of M&A activity.




【続報1】2010年IDC予測 ~ iPhone,Android,iPadはどうなるか?
【続報2】2010年IDC予測 ~ クラウドコンピューティングにおける覇権争い


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