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The Philosophy behind the Robotic Vacuums in the Office


At e-Jan, on the office floor, there are six robotic vacuums. The vacuums are used to clean the employees-only area of the office where we normally work. Since the robots are quite noisy, we use them in early mornings before most people arrive. To do so, early birds like myself switch the vacuums on and let them do their job. It is not only a hobby of mine to collect and test robotic vacuum cleaners, but there are other reasons why we use them.

six robotic vacuums.jpg

Simultaneously, e-Jan has a system where the employees clean up the office themselves. The whole organization is on the same floor and is split into five teams, the task of maintaining a tidy and organized office is circulated among the teams on a weekly basis. It is not only for educational purposes, letting people know that they should keep their workplace tidy, but there are also some reasons based on the same philosophy of why we use robotic vacuum cleaners.

Specifically, the employees-only area is considered to be a secure area that outsiders should stay out of. We can choose to use an office cleaning service, offered by the building owner. However, we’ve chosen not to. This was due to concerns of having strangers without any employees present. It would be odd if a company selling a security service such as CACHATTO, didn’t take care of fundamental issues like this.

Actually, the experience of cleaning up the office ourselves creates a mindset of not wanting to soil the area from the beginning. Prevention is the best way to avoid issues. If we want to keep the office tidy, we’d better keep it tidy from the beginning. Cleaning up lets each one of us to enjoy the cleanliness of the working area.

On the other side, having the cleaning service to clean up the office would cost quite a bit. Vacuum cleaners might be quite expensive, but the prices are less than a month’s worth of cleaning service. So you can keep on purchasing a vacuum cleaner every month and the month you haven’t purchased one would be savings in cost for the company. So, robotic vacuum cleaners are fun, but there are rationalities behind them.
