オルタナティブ・ブログ > 坂本史郎の【朝メール】より >


Why do groups fight with each other?/グループはなぜお互いに闘うのか?


Why do groups fight with each other?

If you think your group or tribe is important, then you'd intend to protect them. Your intention of protection enlarges as interests among the groups are different.

Your boss tries to protect you from external attacks. You appreciate that. Creation of a common enemy is the easiest way to get the adhesiveness among your group members. So, your boss might say you guys are right and others are wrong.

This is the basic mechanism of what's going on among the groups regardless of their sizes. The smallest can start from your brothers and sisters, the largest can be among nations.

My father who was a diplomat used to say; "I hope we will actually see aliens. That's when, people on the earth will get united into a team."






