オルタナティブ・ブログ > 坂本史郎の【朝メール】より >


A Bold and Crude Daydream to become a Business needs a Twist


As an entrepreneur, what you might think is good, is not necessarily what your customers want. It is a big trap in any kind of business. When you start a business, you need to be "arrogant" to a certain degree; believing that your sense is special and what you have to offer is great. You may call it a daydream.

It is interesting to see that the more arrogant you are, the more time it takes for you to start listening to the customers. The deeper the financial pocket you have, the worse your debt would become. The real business starts only after you tone down your arrogance, and start modifying what you offer by listening to the customers; customers who are willing to spend their money on your product or service.

When I started e-Jan, I was the same. I believed that my unique sense allowed me to see into the future and enabled me to create something that society may need in the near future. Even if what we created and offered was not exactly what the market wanted, I thought that it was something they should appreciate. It was my daydream. It lasted until I reached the bottom of my financial pocket, that I finally started to listen modestly to what customers said.

After that, I started to adjust my daydream based on the feedback I got from others. It is still very important to constantly mold a daydream. It is okay the daydream to be bold and crude. The bolder and the cruder the idea is, the more energy there is to create a business. However, adjusting the idea according to the feedback you get is quite important. The trick is that, feedback is not always concrete, but in most cases, quite delicate and vague.

Don't throw away the boldness and crudeness of your idea, but adjust the shape of your idea peg, and find the right spot to plug it into. This is called positioning. I suggest that you do not copy the placement or positioning as others are doing, but find your own spot. That is the uniqueness of your business, and that justifies the business to exist. The continuation of your business depends on finding those right spots one after another.
