Prepartion Worksheet Name : Hideaki Morishima Page 1
Negotiations Exercise : Deeport Role : Govenor
Govenor : Positive UNION : Positive Environmentalist: Negative FED DCR : positive OTHER PORTS : Negative to neutral
A. Industry Mix Low   "Heavy" correlate to unionized Middle "Heavy" correlate to unionized High "Heavy" means dirty Middle Regulation means high cost and long term work, then higher risk for project Middle  
  Heavy 14 H L H H Heavy option might increase total needs of port, but less impact in total
  Medium 8 M M M M
  Light 0   L H L L
B. Ecological Impact Low   avoid imposing unnecessary cost Low more strict regulation might decrease their job High Request heavier regulation High avoid imposing unnecessary cost Middle  
  Complianance 12 H L H H Want to avoid same regulation
  maintain and repair 8 M M M M
  improve 0   L H L L
C. Employment Rules High   revive the union, at least some presence  High at least some presence  Low Union issue canbe separated from Regulation Middle avoid the project risk of shortage in labor resource Low  
  unlimited union preference 24 High L L L Separetd from this issue
Want to avoid same regulation
  unon quota 2:1 18 M M M M
  unon quota 1:1 12 M M M M
  no union reference (almost non-union worker will join) 0   L H H H
D. Federal Loan High   Loan is indispensable for project Middle Loan make the project ( job) surer Low Prefer negative issue for the project High ? Longer and too much loan means higher risk but are they really risk-averse like a commercial bank?

Make the project surer with some condition
Middle Loan will make higher compensensation surer
  $3 billion over the next 20 years 40 H L L H
  $2 billion over the next 20 years 30 M L L M
  $1 billion over the 20 years
(component could be operational 5 years after construction)
23 M M M M
  no federal loan 0   L H H L
E. Compensation to other ports Low   avoid imposing unnecessary cost
this condition to be disclosed in last vote
Low Compensation stimulate the new job in other port Low Prefer negative issue for the project

Afraid pollution in other port
High? avoid imposing unnecessary cost, but directly DCR cannot pay the compensation. High Need Higher compensation
  $600 million 0 H H L H
  $450 million 2 H H L H
  $300 million 4 M M M M
  $150 million 7 M M M M
  no compensation 10   L L H L
Total Score of proposal   0
Prepartion Worksheet Name : Hideaki Morishima Page 2
Negotiations Exercise : Deeport Role : Govenor
Govenor : Positive UNION : Positive Environmentalist: Negative FED DCR : positive OTHER PORTS : Negative to neutral
BATNA Vote "No" to control Deeport
Release the control to UNION
Vote "No" Vote "No" Vote "No",
Refuse Loan
Vote "No"
Reservation Price 45 points   Union Quta 1:1 Industry Mix = Light Succesfully complete the project Compensated to some extent
              Ecological Impact = Improve        
Target Aspiration With Federation loan 3M$ over next 20 years Unlimited union preference Cancell the project Minimum Loan ? Maxmum compensation
  Unlimited union preference       Mimimum total cost Keep friendship with Govenor of Seaborn
  Compensation to OTHER PORT: No            
  Industry Mix : Heavy             Project to be cancelled ?
    Ecological Impact : Compliance                
1)  Talk with Deeport and make an alliance to assure the loan from FED DCR.  
  Let him understood my RP (Union Quota1:1, $1 Billion, plus best offer from other three condition).    
  Get an agreement to confirm the proposal everytime before presented for the vote  
  This action will lead to fix the "Environmantal Rule" as "Compliance" at first  
  Let Deeport not to reveal the negotiation with OTHER PORT unitl last proposal to minimize the compensation  
2) Let Deeport & FED make negotiation with OTHER PORT under the table, integrating higher loan with higher compensation  
3)  Talk with Union not to antagonize and to compromise some extent  
4) Talk with OTHER PORT not to make an allaiance with Enviromentalist. OTHER PORT is key player to get 4th approval  
5) Isolate the Enviromentalist from other parties. Only Enviromentalist will less prioritize "Heavy in Industry Mix" and "Compliance in Ecological Impact"  
  Package deal with these two options with the compensation to OTHER PORT.   
  Compromise RV in this package at "medium in Industry Mix", "maintain and repair in Ecological impact" and "300 M$ in Compensantion"  
6) Compare the cost to meet the request from Environmentalist with the compensation for OTHER PORT.   
  If Environmentalist will approve with lower cost than compensation for OTHER PORT, close the dea with Environmentalist