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IDC Provides Guidance for Thriving in the Digital Economy as New and Reinvented Competitors Disrupt Industry Leaders

デジタルビジネスは、これまでのエンタープライズにおけるビジネスモデルやエコシステムに大きな進化をもたらすとしています。 IDCでは、デジタルビジネスの進展にあたって

  • Digital Resister (デジタルビジネスの反対者)
  • Digital Explorer  (デジタルビジネスへの可能性を探る人)
  • Digital Player  (デジタルビジネスの現場の当事者)
  • Digital Transformer (デジタルビジネスへの移行支援者
  • Digital Disruptor (デジタルビジネスによる破壊者)


出所:IDC Provides Guidance for Thriving in the Digital Economy as New and Reinvented Competitors Disrupt Industry Leaders

ビジネスリーダは、このデジタルビジネスの進展に伴い、次のエンタープライズのレベルにシフトしていくための、力量が問われています。 IDCでは、デジタルビジネスへのシフトにあたって、5つの鍵となるカテゴリを示しています。

Leadership DX(Digital Transformation)

requires that leaders become more sophisticated in their knowledge of the enterprise ecosystem. This includes the digital accessibility of markets, customers, and service providers, in order to anticipate and develop product and operational innovations that extend market share and increase revenue by creating shared digital experiences.

Omni-Experience DX(Digital Transformation)

the ability to continually attract and grow loyalty with customers, partners, and employees by creating interactive experiences.

WorkSource DX(Digital Transformation)

the transformation of the way enterprises access, connect, and leverage talent through the use of digital technologies.

Information DX(Digital Transformation)

the ability to leverage information for competitive advantage by enabling the business to respond to opportunities swiftly and with superior intelligence.

